Friday, June 29, 2012

Dangers of Facebook...

It is okay to have fun, that is not the problem. When people start posting pictures of their friends drinking, when everyone in the picture is under 21, that is the problem...

When you post a picture on Facebook, the whole world has access to it. Even if you set it to private, people can still find it and make it so anyone can see it. Pictures and posts are on the internet FOREVER! No, I am not perfect and sometimes post things that others may not agree with, but I do not post things about underage drinking or doing illegal drugs.

It really upsets me to know that people today do not care about anything. When someone is saying things about you that you do not like, it is ok to not care about what they are saying. But when the not caring is about future employers and people who mean a lot to you, that starts messing with how your life is going to end up... 

Please start using your head before posting something that could potentially ruin something for you... just use your head before you post anything. Its really not that hard. 

It is ok to go have fun, it is not ok to do illegal things, and it is really not ok to mess up your future by posting about the illegal things on the internet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons... should go to the nearest store, get some sugar, and make lemonade (using water and ice from home). Then, sell it and make a profit from your free lemons. :)

In other words, when are faced with an obstacle, take that obstacle and make the best out of it. That way, the end result will be that much sweeter.

Always make the best out of every situation, no matter how hard it may be.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Staying Motivated

No matter what you are trying to accomplish, it can be extremely difficult to stay motivated and stay on the right track to reach your goal. One of the main ways to help keep yourself motivated is to constantly have reminders of what the end result is and to have a trustworthy support system

If you are trying to lose weight, have someone you can depend on to be there for you, workout with you, and encourage you to eat well. This person should be someone you trust 100%, someone you can take constructive criticism from if you start slacking or are getting farther from your goal. You can also purchase an outfit that you want to fit in after you have lost the weight you want to and hang it up somewhere that you will see it every day. That outfit will remind you each day of what you are trying to accomplish, and it is a positive reminder.

A support system and positive reminders are both good ways to help keep yourself motivated and keep yourself on the right track to achieve anything in life you want to do. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

How to Win a Girl's Heart:

I am not materialistic, but there are things a guy can do that are sure to win my heart over. They are pretty simple too, and a lot of them will work for other girls as well :)

  1. Show you care, don't just say you do... Actions speak louder than words
  2. When she tells you things about her (favorite color, food, movie...etc.) pay attention, remember them, and surprise her later on with something that has to do with that information
  3. Take her out in public... if she's anything like me, she won't care if it is just to a park or even McDonald's! She just want to know she is important enough to you that you WANT to take her out and show her off to your friends
  4. If you do take her out somewhere fancy or buy her something expensive, do not hold it over her head for months after, that was your choice, she most likely did not ask you to
  5. Do not hide things from her... Most times she will not care if you want to hang out with a friend of yours that is a girl, as long as you are honest about it
  6. Get her flowers! (unless she is allergic) Even if she will not admit to it, most girls really do love flowers. Even if you are just on your way to her house and see some on the side of the road, stop and pick some. It does not matter where you got them, it is the thought that counts
  7. Do not give her a reason to think you are hiding something from her. Deleting messages, hiding your phone, acting strange when you tell her where you were, those things are signs that you are not being honest. Girls do not investigate a situation without having reasons to (generally)
  8. If you want to know something about her, just ask her. Do not beat around the bush or just expect her to tell you. She more than likely wants you to ask her questions, especially in the early stages of a relationship
  9. Do NOT try and pressure her to have sex, she will when she is ready. It is okay to ask, but if she says no, leave it be for a little while. She will let you know when she is ready. In the mean time, cuddle with her and watch a movie. Let her know you will not leave just because she does not want to have sex right then
  10. If you do not love her, do not tell her you do. It will get her hopes up and break her heart when you leave. If you do love her, tell her and show her! Prove to her that you are not like other guys and that you will not hurt her or leave her. Be her prince in shining armor! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Having a Bad Day?

Trust me, you are not the only one. Everyone in the world has things go wrong now and then. Unfortunately, it is a simple, slightly irritating part of life. There is no way to avoid having a bad day, what matters is how you deal with it.
Some constructive ways to deal with stress and/or a bad day:

  • Talk to someone you can trust 100%, tell them everything that is on your mind
  • Start a journal, it can be just as effective as talking to someone, but you're the only one who will read it
  • Go for a walk/jog/run, helps get your mind off things AND it is good for your body
  • If you have a dog, play with it, they are generally able to put a smile on your fast faster than any human could
  • Babysit, kids say the most random things that can make your day a lot better
  • Watch a movie, funny or sad
  • Let yourself cry, crying is cleansing, you may feel tired after but you usually also feel a lot better
  • Last but not least, always remember, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things I Like About Life

  1. You really can not take it(life) too seriously, no one makes it out alive anyway :P
  2. Even when things are tough, it could always be worse
  3. Smiling is contagious
  4. So is laughing
  5. After every storm comes a rainbow
  6. Thunderstorms are cleansing and refreshing
  7. When you live in Michigan, you are never too far from a body of water
  8. If you do not feel like being around people, you can always get a dog, they are just as much fun and do not talk back
  9. We are no longer expected to be married with a family at the age of 16
  10. With the technology we have today, we are able to connect with people instantly, even if they are half way around the world.
  11. Best view in Michigan...
    Lake Michigan at sunset!

Taken by me Summer 2010

Day one:

Not quite sure how to start this... So I am just going to wing it! :)

Since I am now done with high school, and moving on to the next step in my life, I thought I would try something new. 

I want this blog to be something positive that anyone and everyone can read. Each day I will find an inspiring quote, take an inspiring picture (or find one), or list some reasons why life is truly good. I just might throw in some extra things along the way. 

Since this is my first post, I will start with something simple:
I have seen way too many people giving up on their dreams because of social influence or because their family did not approve. This really makes me sad. Everyone should be encouraged to chase after his/her dreams. 

If you have a dream, go after it! Do not let anyone tell you your dream is "stupid", or that you will never make it. Anything can be possible with some faith and a lot of hard work!