Monday, January 7, 2013


Friends, family, and other loved ones, I've been in my new home for 15 days. Doesn't seem like long, but I already absolutely love it here! 

I still have a lot of paperwork and such to do before I can officially start my life here. In order to get a job or start school, I need proof of my citizenship, which, unfortunately can take up to 5 months to get processed. In the mean time, I'll be doing things around the house to earn some extra money, as well as help with my phone bill, and I will be volunteering at the thrift shop so I don't completely lose my mind from being home ALL the time. 

I have been meeting some people through Joel, for those who may not know who that is, he's my step uncle and is 10 days younger than I am. But, I'd kind of like to start meeting my own friends. Joel and I will eventually get sick of each other, can't imagine it'll be too long before that happens. With me not starting school until the Fall semester, it's a bit difficult to make friends on my own, but I'll figure it out :) 

I find it funny that before I moved, all of my friends were talking about how much snow I'd have to deal with and how cold it would be. Well, jokes on Michigan :) All of our snow here in Southern Alberta is almost completely gone, and it's been around 40 degrees (Fahrenheit) the last few days. It's just SUPER windy, but that is expected here.
Ran into a bit of a situation today. Went to the dentist (for the first time in... no clue how long) to get a cavity taken care of. All they did today was take an x-ray and tell me I have to have a root canal. So now I get the joy of going BACK to the dreaded dentist office and get a lovely root canal on Wednesday, and THEN the filling. Can't you just feel my excitement? Yeah, me either. But, after that my mouth will be feeling better, thankfully :) 

As most of you may have seen on Facebook, the status that is... "2013 Pay-It-Forward: The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in the next calendar year, a handmade/ homemade/ crafted item. There will likely be no warning and it will happen whenever the mood strikes me. The catch? Those five people must make the same offer in their FB status. Go! Create! Do! Don't forget to message me your address!" Well, I am participating, except, I didn't limit myself to just 5 people, I believe I have a list of 9. Pinterest has become my savior for craft ideas, and as I make each gift, I'm planing on posting it on here along with who it's for, how I made it, and why I chose the gift for that person. I wouldn't mind adding more people to my list, so, if you'd like, and are friends with me on Facebook, SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS! :) Please! 

Anyway, I believe that is all I have to update you (my fellow readers, at least I'm hopeful there's a few) on. 

Much love from Alberta!!!! 

OH! Forgot to mention, Hope everyone had a fun filled and safe New Years! 

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