Friday, November 23, 2012

Just Smile!

Sometimes when you meet someone, you instantly fall in love with them. You firmly believe that they are the one that you will spend the rest of your life with. When you start dating them, you fall more in love with them each and every day. You give them your all, your entire heart. You would give your life for them, would do anything just to see them happy. In rare cases, they will do the same exact things for you, and will love you unconditionally and love you for all of your faults. They will give you the world, and never leave you no matter how hard things get. However, there are more times when they will make you think that they are like that. Make you believe that they will give you the world and love you forever no matter what happens. And one day they change their mind. With no warning signs, without talking to you about it, they decide they can not stay with you. Not necessarily that they do not love you anymore, but that it is just in their best interests to no longer be with you, and to let you go and travel down their own path. You can not make them stay nor change their mind. As much as you want to, you just can not. It kills like no other, and makes you feel like your life is over, and like you will never find anyone who makes you as happy as they once did. But that is not true. 

The guy I have been dating just broke up with me yesterday. I did not really get a straight reason as to why, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that I am going to be moving 2,000 miles away in a little under a month. It kills me to know that I am no longer with him, he really is an amazing guy and I was so very happy with him. But, everything happens for a reason and I just have to keep telling myself that it will all end up alright in the end. Sometimes relationships just do not work out, it is not fun, it is not easy, but it happens. A lot. If you find yourself in this situation, and feel like you no longer have any hope in the world to be happy, do not worry, you are not alone. The best thing to do is to surround yourself with friends and keep your mind busy and off of the things that make you sad. I have my closest friends (actually my only friends) on speed dial, they all know what is going on, and have all told me that I can call, text, Facebook, or Skype them whenever I need to. I have also been keeping myself busy. I am in the middle of making a baby quilt for my baby sister that is on the way, and I decided to make a bowl today, just because I did not want to think about the break up. 

Keep your head up! Things seem tough now, but they will not stay this tough forever. 

As my "fat kid" (what he calls himself) told me earlier, "I can't tell you why you hurt, but I can tell you that hurt doesn't last forever". I will leave you on that note, and let you think about that and keep it in mind when you feel as low as I did earlier. 


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